Students learn about self-care and coping with stress 298

Stephany Mejia, News Editor

On Jan. 26 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the USU ballroom, the Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) hosted Speed Up Ur (Your) Resilience where approximately 30 students gathered to learn how to cope with stress of the college life.


Speed Up Ur (Your) Resilience is an annual event to remind students that self-care is important.


Senior student Anna Kaiyarath is the student coordinator of the event. She said the purpose of the event is to help prepare students for college success.


Instructors offered six workshops covering the topics of heartmath, sleep, self-compassion and happiness, aromatherapy and lavender, exercise and nutrition, mindfulness and self-care.


Kaiyarath said she wants students to know about resources on campus, including the HOPE and Wellness Center located in the Student Health Center. It offers mental and nutritional health counseling.


Mental and physical wellness helps both academically and socially, said Kaiyarath.


The event “is also a reminder to make sure to take care of themselves in all areas of health such as emotional, physical, mental and occupational.”


Cheryl Berry is the Mental Health Coordinator for the SHCS and an event host. She led the self-compassion and happiness table.


First-year student Lucia Martinez heard about the event while walking to class, and attended with a friend. She said she learned about self-evaluation.


“I think it can help people come in touch with themselves and build resilience,” Martinez said.