Human history stays on repeat

Micaela Johansson, Assistant Opinion Editor

Have you heard about the Holocaust performed by the Nazis during World War II? I bet you have.

Now tell me, have you heard of the Armenian Genocide done by the Turkish government in the First World War? I bet you haven’t.

I went to see the movie The Promise to learn more about the tragic event we never got taught about in school.

The movie brought me to tears, not because of the excellent actors and storytelling, but because of the reminder of the continuously denying of the event, and the fact that we today still turn a blind eye to the massacres happening in 2017.

It is said that we learn by our mistakes, but isn’t it funny how history keeps repeating itself? As if we never learned anything.

If we keep denying what happened we will never change the world.

In order to grow, we have to acknowledge our mistakes, which is why the movie The Promise is so important right now. It teaches us about an event that has gone forgotten and denied by almost everyone who isn’t of Armenian descent, we need to give them that acknowledgement in order to show everyone that a genocide will never go unnoticed.

The movie showed Americans as friendly, which comes as no surprise as we all know Americans like to show themselves as the hero. I find it ironically that even 102 years later the U.S. government still hasn’t acknowledged the event as a genocide of the Armenian people.

Still, the movie is beautifully done and many scenes show a resemblance of images we have seen of the Syrian refugees escaping the bombing of their homes, as a reminder that even though it might not happen to the same group of people, it is still happening.

Again, this is why I had tears running down my cheek, humans who lack humanity.

When we deny history we ensure it to happen again, and that is why it is so important to talk, share knowledge and gain new wisdom.

How many of you can point out Armenia on the map? I know I couldn’t until recently.

Now it’s your turn, learn something and then spread the word!