Students for life presents pro-life talk

Micaela Johansson

Dr. Chris Kaczor speaks to the audience about abortion on Oct. 25 in the Arts building 240.

Tyler Abrahams, Assistant News Editor

On Oct. 25 The CSUSM Students For Life club hosted pro-life talk in the Arts Lecture Hall that featured a guest speaker Dr. Chris Kaczor, a philosophy professor from Loyola Marymount University, a private Catholic institution in Los Angeles.

Before the event began Dr. Kaczor said he “hopes to open a dialogue and to share a new perspective.” During the Q&A he said, “the point I was trying to make is that all human beings…have basic human value and rights.”

Dr. Kaczor’s talking points left out politics and religion. He argued through a series of logic-based positions, to a crowd of less than twenty, that there is a right to life at conception.

In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in Roe v. Wade that women, regardless of a state law that prohibited the procedure, under the 14th amendment have the right to an abortion. When asked if Dr. Kaczor advocates for the ruling to be overturned and have abortion outlawed federally, he said yes.

Assistant Professor of History Dr. Katherine Hijar said, “One of the things that shaped my understanding of the [abortion] debates was a police photograph that I saw from the 1960s when I was a young woman. It depicted another young woman that had tried to give herself an abortion in a motel room. She was dead on the floor in a lot of blood. To me, if we’re talking about the sanctity of life then there are questions that need to be answered.”

Dr. Hijar addressed adoption issues and said, “The pro-abortion camp points out that there are unwanted children in our country growing up to have unhappy futures. There are unwanted babies all over the world. Those questions must be addressed to have a logical debate.”

Fourth year, Biology and member of Students For Life Natalie Delgado said she “came [to the event] to hear a pro-life argument that wasn’t based on religion or politics.”

Nathan Apodaca, a member of CSUSM Students for life said, “[the event had] a little less [of an impact] than what we were expecting. But it helped get our message out.”