Student spotlight: International student wins photo contest
Photo courtesy of Jordan Silva
Global Connections president Jordan Silva’s winning photo was taken in his home country of Mozambique.
March 13, 2021
The Office of Global Education has been hosting virtual events to keep their international students engaged despite the campus shutdown.
During their International Education Week, the Office of Global Education held a photo contest where international students submitted photos of three different categories: buildings, nature and people. International students could then vote on which photos they wanted to win.
The winner with the most votes in the nature category was Jordan Silva. The photo was taken in Silva’s home country, Mozambique, in the city of Maputo.
Silva is the president of Global Connections, a student organization that offers opportunities for students to learn about different cultures through interactions with each other.
Global Connections aids the university in its globalization efforts, supports international students as they arrive at the university and collaborates with the Office of Global Education with programs.
The Office of Global Education will be hosting a multi-campus international student virtual showcase event in conjunction with San Diego State, UC San Diego and University of San Diego on Apr. 15.
For more information on the Office of Global Education, visit their website or Instagram.
Magali Castillo is a recent transfer student to CSUSM majoring in Literature and Writing Studies with a minor in Global Studies. She was born and raised in Los Angeles. This is her first year as a staff writer for The Cougar Chronicle. She is also a content writer for Tasteless.Studio that is based in Los Angeles. She likes to write about current events, racial injustice, mental health and anything that is taking place in the world.