Campus Notes (3/20/21)
March 20, 2021

State delays giving CSUSM its requested supply of vaccines
While the state has given a supply of vaccines to other local colleges such as San Diego State University, University of San Diego and UC San Diego, CSUSM has not yet received its requested supply of vaccines.
“We were approved to be a provider by the state but unfortunately we have not received a supply yet,” said Chief Communications Officer Margaret Chantung in an email to The Cougar Chronicle.
“Ongoing pipeline issues with the vaccine have limited the number available for the state and county to dole out to sites like ours. We remain hopeful that as supply picks up, we will be able to receive them. In the meantime, we encourage all members of our community who are eligible to try to get appointments through other channels like the County, pharmacies or healthcare providers,” wrote Chantung.
Once CSUSM has its own supply, doses will be administered by students from the School of Nursing to campus community members in eligible tiers.
The county-operated vaccine distribution center that CSUSM is hosting remains operational. For more information on the county-operated vaccine supersite, visit this page.
ASI election results announced
ASI announced the winners for their Board of Directors elections in a Mar. 18 email to the student body.
Most of the races this year had only one candidate running unopposed, and some positions had no candidates running for them.
The winners are Dylan Crivello for President & CEO, Andrew Gamboa for Executive Vice President, Julia Glorioso for Vice President of Student and University Affairs, Mariano Santana for Chair & Chief of Staff and Stephania Rey for CSTEM Representative.
For more information on the ASI Board of Directors, visit their website.
List of courses eligible for credit/no credit grading released
Due to the Academic Senate’s decision in February to expand the credit/no credit grading option for courses taken in fall 2020, spring 2021 and summer 2021, the Office of the Registrar recently created a webpage with the list of courses that can be taken for credit/no credit.
General education courses and elective courses can be taken with credit/no credit grading, while for major and minor requirements, it depends on the major.
The deadline to request credit/no credit grading is April 9 for fall 2020 courses and May 7 for spring 2021 courses.
For more information and to see the list of courses that are approved for credit/no credit grading, visit this website.
Currently no active coronavirus cases at CSUSM
There are no active cases of COVID-19 at CSUSM as of Mar. 20. There have been 113 cumulative cases over the course of the semester.
CSUSM may have more cases than they have reported, as the data does not include employees working remotely or those who live off campus and do not participate in any campus activities. Those individuals are not obligated to report a positive case.
CSUSM data can be found at this site. The site is updated whenever there is a change in case numbers.
CSUSM team wins funding from DOD arm | The San Diego Union-Tribune
The National Security Innovation Network, an arm of the U.S. Department of Defense, has awarded contract funding to a team of current and former Cal State San Marcos students — one of only four groups nationwide. READ MORE
CSUSM Names Next Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services | CSUSM NewsCenter
California State University San Marcos President Ellen Neufeldt announced the appointment of the university’s next vice president of Finance and Administrative Services, Leon Wyden. READ MORE
Summer Session Has 180 Online Courses, Popular Payment Plan | CSUSM NewsCenter
The upcoming summer session at California State University San Marcos offers more than 180 online courses to CSUSM students as well as students from other universities and individuals in the community. READ MORE