Captain America vs Iron Man


Captain America vs. Iron man: Whose side are you on?

Alejandro Picasso, Assistant Editorial Assistant

In any story, there is a protagonist and an an antagonist. The audience generally rallies behind the protagonist to overcome the antagonist, but what if there is no antagonist? What if there are  two protagonists fighting against each other and the audience is divided about which side they should stand with?

This the case in the upcoming film Captain America: Civil War. Fans are divided into two sides: Team Captain America and Team Iron Man. Question is, who should you stand with?

Captain America and Iron Man are in conflict due to a difference in opinion on whether superheroes should be regulated and controlled by the United Nations. Captain America believes superheroes should have the right to choose to help protect the world without the interference of the United Nations, whereas Iron Man believes superheroes should be regulated in order to try minimize the damage they cause.

The best team, the team everyone should side with is Team Captain America. The Captain  stands for liberty and freedom, two rights that all individuals deserve.  The ability to choose what to do with your life and how to use your abilities in the world should not be restricted. Preventing people from having choices is a violation of natural law and a violation of people’s freedom. Standing against Team Cap is taking a stance against freedom—and if you are against freedom, you might as well be communist.

Superheroes help protect the world by choice, not because the government forces them to. Captain America chose to fight against Nazi Germany during World War II, even when the military denied him from enlistment due to poor health. He didn’t care what they said, he fought for the right thing. Regulating superheroes is like sending firefighters to a burning building and not allowing them to enter the building to look for trapped individuals for fear of damaging the building.

People on Team Iron Man have their hearts in the right place but the belief that regulating superheroes would create a better world is wrong. It would only do more harm. Superheroes fight the battles that normal people could never fight. They protect the world when  it is most vulnerable, and in those instances it is hard not to have bad consequences.

Team Cap wants to protect the world freely, with his own judgment and in the best way he can. Subjecting him and other superheroes to regulation would only hinder them from protecting as many people as possible. The Captain puts it best with this statement: “I know we’re not perfect, but the safest hands are still our own.”