How to prepare for finals

Jeni Scaturro, Assistant Opinion Editor


Welcome to the worst part of the semester– finals week. The bittersweet period consisting of stomachs churning, eyes whirling and palms sweating. This spring semester can either end on a low or a high. How will yours end?


It is another test, but alas the final one. This is the last grade to ending the semester; what a relief right? Well a relief, if preparing for them is done right.


The first step to your academic success is wiping the dust off that CSUSM 2016-2017 planner. Use these planners to your aid and jot down every class’ final exam date and time, as well as any last minute extra credit or projects that are due. Recommendation- use different colors for each class, this will make everything stand out.


The day study guides are given out, do your best to start filling them out as soon as possible. The way to get ahead is to stay ahead. With that being said, do the work on the day it is given.


Once all study guides are done, plan a date and time in the prior week to study specific topics. Creating checklists in your planner increase the odds of completing the tasks.


For me, it is easier to focus on academics outside of my house. Check out CSUSM’s Kellogg Library or the nearest Barnes and Noble to make it more likely to stay on topic while studying.

Have a friend join to help hold you accountable to making sure you study.


On the days before the exams, make sure to get adequate sleep. Eat a well balanced breakfast that will keep you full throughout the day. Grab a cup of coffee on campus before heading into testing. Most importantly, take a deep breath and relax.


Good luck on finals Cougars and enjoy your summer break!