Are All Mexicans Drug Dealers, Rapists and Criminals?

Survey taken in a culturally diverse neighborhood puts this statement to shame


Lex Garcia, Student Life Reporter


Growing up and being apart of the Hispanic race you have probably heard multiple opinions that may or may not be hurtful.

One opinion that has been a debate between different cultures especially after Donald Trump’s recent comments about Mexicans in the media is, “Are all Mexicans Drug Dealers, Rapists and Criminals?” Now think about this for a second before you immediately say yes or no. If you think the answer is yes , could you prove it? I’m Mexican I can guarantee you I never raped someone, made a drug deal or committed a crime. I do not believe that this statement is even near true, but why does my opinion matter when I am just your average freshman college student?

I took this question to my hometown Linda Vista, California and I asked people from 20 different households. Out of those 20 houses, nine were Hispanic households, six were Asian households and the remaining five were white households. Out of all 20 of those houses there were 69 people, and the final survey results were that 68 out of the 69 people answered this question by disagreeing with the statement. The one person that said yes I asked why she felt this way and her response was, “Team Donald Trump”. Is that really a valid answer?

Now throughout this survey I asked people from each race why they answered no.

“I disagree because in my opinion Hispanics are some of the hardest working people I have ever seen, I have two full time jobs just so I can put my kids through private elementary school,” Natalie Reyes, a Hispanic twenty-four year old single mother of two said.

“I do not agree because my best friend is Hispanic and she has her bachelors, masters and now currently in medical school. It encouraged me to go back and get my degree,” Chris Nguyen, a 30 year old Asian college student said.

Now from these two people and the many more that I talked to we all came to the conclusion that every race has its problems, it is not just us Mexicans.

Every race has murderers, rapists and drug dealers. Want me to prove it? In the 2007 Virginia tech shooting, Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed over 30 people and he was Asian. Ted Bundy was not only a murderer but also a rapist and he was white. Frank Lucas, a well known drug lord that even made Hispanic drug dealers look sorry was African American. Get where I am going with this? Like I said, every culture has their problems so do not point the finger at any race, not just Hispanics, and say that these people are the only ones that commit these crimes because for all you know the person next you could be one of these people and you just don’t know it.