TED Talk challenges expectations of masculinity to increase gender equality

March 29, 2016
Student Health and Counselling Services presented a Ted Talk by Tony Porter that addressed the topic of ending violence against women and changing societal ideas of masculinity.
The #ManUp Ted Talk, part of CSUSM’s NO More campaign within the NO More Week of Action, was held on March 9 in The QUAD Classroom.
In his Ted Talk, Porter reached out to men with a message based on his own personal experiences.
He shared his life experiences that revolved around the issue of masculinity, expressing that they have molded him into the man he is today.
Porter’s father raised him in the Bronx in New York City to fit conventional standards of masculinity. He taught Porter to be strong, hide his pain and show no emotions. His entire childhood was based upon conforming to the societal expectations of masculinity.
Porter introduced what he calls the “man box,” which represents the typical notions and beliefs of what makes a man.
The “man box” contains the belief that men don’t express their feelings. This idea says that men are tough and aggressive and that they never show weakness.
He explained that some men grow up with the pressure of having to live within these standards, which, in some cases, can contribute to men oppressing women in order to show their power.
Porter claimed to have grown up surrounded by a culture that treated women as property. Both men and women around him created a stigma of men having to be overruling and powerful.
Porter expressed that these ideas are reinforced by social media, the entertainment business and, at times, even family members. He explained parents, more specifically fathers, don’t realize the damage that they create by raising their sons to conform to masculinity norms.
As an activist and educator, working to end physical violence and sexual abuse against women, Porter said that he hopes to create a difference.
“We really need to begin to challenge… and redefine what we have come to know as manhood,” said Porter.
Porter expressed that some men find themselves stuck within in the expectations and guidelines that society has for males. However, he challenges men to stand apart from the statistics and adopt a different perspective on what society defines as a “man.” In doing so, Porter said that he wants to teach men the importance of valuing women as equals.