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The independent student news site of San Marcos, California

The Cougar Chronicle

The independent student news site of San Marcos, California

The Cougar Chronicle

The independent student news site of San Marcos, California

The Cougar Chronicle


Professor Ibrahim Al-Marashi in his office.

History professor shares his journey, hopes students strive for excellence in their careers

Karen Ambrocio, Student Life Reporter April 27, 2016

Many students strive for careers that take them on a journey of understanding. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Marashi has found that career and advises students to do the same. He was born in Baltimore and raised in Monterrey, California by his parents who had come from the Middle East. Al-Marashi earned his...

Dr. Robert Aboolian teaches his class in Business Administration.

Dr. Aboolian discusses importance of history, education

Gayana Parsegova, Staff Writer April 27, 2016

An Armenian man with wisdom and a passion for what he does at CSUSM, Dr. Robert Aboolian strives to be a role model not only for his students, but for the Armenian community as well. Born and raised in Tehran, Iran, Aboolian completed his undergraduate studies at the Iran University of Science,...

Volunteers on a water drop trip in April.

Border Angels de CSUSM strives to help save lives

Andrea Martinez, Copy Editor April 27, 2016

  Every year, hundreds of migrants die attempting to cross the U.S.‐Mexico border. With humanitarian values in mind, Border Angels de CSUSM aims to help save lives. Efforts to establish the organization began in fall 2015 after its president, Christina Flores Lopez, attended the grand...

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Brando Casiño embraces cultural identity through confidence, leadership

Cory Kay, News Editor April 13, 2016

  CSUSM student leader Brando Casiño draws confidence from his identity and through the communities with which he identifies, aiming to educate others and represent those who share his culture. Casiño is a fourth­-year student at CSUSM, preparing to graduate as part of the class of...

Alex Maravillas aspires to be a voice for various identities

Alex Maravillas aspires to be a voice for various identities

Shanice Davis, Features Editor April 13, 2016

  As a Filipino man who identifies as both queer and gay, Alex Maravillas strives to make a difference in the LGBTQA+ community using his own personal experiences and identity as a way to build bridges with individuals in need of guidance. Six years ago, Maravillas discovered he was...

International student shares career goals, leads student organization

International student shares career goals, leads student organization

Cody Cook, Photo Editor April 13, 2016

  Born in Ahmedabad City, Gujarat, international student Tilak Joshi came to the States in 2015 to further his education. Joshi has become a familiar face around campus due to his active involvement in the community. His involvements include assisting the Global Education Office, working...

Blending his culture and faith, Faatauvaa Wong leads students at CSUSM

Blending his culture and faith, Faatauvaa Wong leads students at CSUSM

Andrea Martinez, Copy Editor April 13, 2016

Leader of the Asian­Pacific Islander (API) Bible Study group at CSUSM and Fundraising Chair for Alpha Psi Rho, Faatauvaa Wong fuses his culture with his leadership on campus. A senior, Wong has co-­led the bible study, a small group under InterVarsity, for two years with three others. The group...

From Japan to the US: Professor Noriko Toyokawa

From Japan to the US: Professor Noriko Toyokawa

Gayana Parsegova, Staff Writer April 13, 2016

  Dr. Noriko Toyokawa is a Japanese woman who strives to center her life around education not only for herself, but her students as well. Toyokawa was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan and describes herself as a simple Japanese woman living in the U.S. and as a mother to an Asian­American...

The ‘high­ caliber men’ of Alpha Psi Rho aim to unite Asian-Pacific Islander students

The ‘high­ caliber men’ of Alpha Psi Rho aim to unite Asian-Pacific Islander students

Andrea Martinez, Copy Editor April 13, 2016

  Winner of the Community Development and Lifelong Membership award at the 2014­-2015 CSUSM Fraternity and Sorority Life Awards, Alpha Psi Rho epitomizes the benefits of brotherhood. The Asian-­Pacific Islander (API) fraternity was founded in 2000 at SDSU and continues to establish charters...

Dr. Chonwerawong aspires to break the cycle of generalizing the Asian-Pacific  Islander community

Dr. Chonwerawong aspires to break the cycle of generalizing the Asian-Pacific Islander community

Shanice Davis, Features Editor April 13, 2016

  Born in Bangkok, Thailand to Chinese immigrants, Dr. Ruttanatip (Dang) Chonwerawong came to the States as an immigrant, reliving the life her parents once led. But the U.S. stripped her of her identity, greeting her with discrimination and false assumptions. Chonwerawong’s parents...

Alpha Kappa Delta Phi encourages growth, cultural diversity

Alpha Kappa Delta Phi encourages growth, cultural diversity

Shanice Davis, Features Editor April 13, 2016

  Priding themselves on being the first and only female Asian-interest sorority on campus, Alpha Kappa Delta Phi paves the way for their members, shaping them into tomorrow’s leaders. The CSUSM chapter Alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established May 2, 2015 and was originally an interest...

Student leader represents his community through fraternity, student organization

Student leader represents his community through fraternity, student organization

Ramon Flores, Sports Reporter April 13, 2016

  Every student is made out of a different mold as they all come from different backgrounds. Student leader Joshua Foronda identifies as Asian-­Pacific Islander (API) and aspires to motivate youth with his testimony. Foronda was born in Japan and lived in Guam through his high school...

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