Fuel you need to jump-start the day


Tiana Morton

Oatmeal is one of the many breakfast choices that are high in nutritional value.

Resty Grey, Staff Writer


Breakfast is widely accepted as the most important meal of the day, but why? It is because breakfast helps to re-energize the body after a night of fasting.

Deciding to have breakfast in the morning can play an incredibly important role in the wellbeing and development of the human body.

Your first meal decides your body’s outlook for the day. That initial meal is your body’s first source of energy to perform cognitive and physical activities.

The word breakfast literally means “to break fast.” When you sleep, your body uses reserved energy to repair and maintain the body while you’re in REM cycle. That used-up energy needs to be replenished in order for your body to function properly.

Having a meal in the morning positively encourages cognitive performance, especially the body’s ability to memorize and pay attention. Having breakfast also helps regulate energy intake and maintain the feeling of satisfaction during the day.

“Individuals who eat breakfast more frequently were less likely to have a high BMI (body mass index), abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high Glycaemic Index, triglycerides (fat) and total cholesterol,” according to the US National Library of Medicine.

Furthermore, eating a breakfast with low blood sugar effects and high nutritional density is also associated with good health, good memorization skills and a larger attention span.

Foods high in fiber and protein, such as boiled eggs, oatmeal, fortified cereal or Greek yogurt, make excellent breakfast choices and contribute to a well-balanced breakfast.

For all our healthy Cougars, the next time you wake up with an empty stomach, be sure to treat your body right and have a well-balanced, filling breakfast to jumpstart your day.