Anthony Jett named first associate director for new Black Student Center

Stephany Mejia, News Editor

On Jan. 23 Anthony Jett, Sr. took his new position as the first Associate Director for the Black Student Center.


Jett said he plans for the Black Student Center to be a place that students can call their own. He expects students to have healthy conversations about issues in which they can identify.


Jett says the Black Student Center will help students graduate because of its multiple resources like computers and study spaces.


Jett plans to work with all centers on campus. He gave his support to the Latin@ Center, especially after President Trump’s plans. He is also willing to work with veterans so they can receive the needed help.


In the short time of the center’s opening, students ask about resources, and part-time jobs said Jett.


The center has an open door policy, and everyone of any ethnicity is welcome. Students can learn about African-American history at the center.


Jett has a passion to work with low income and first generation students because he relates to them. He is currently working on his doctoral degree in education leadership.


He is taking all recommendations from students and faculty in hope that the center will become fundamental for future centers.


“It’s about diversity and inclusion, not about diversity and exclusion… This is the one spot where everyone can come and work together and see each other,” said Jett.


The center’s ribbon cutting ceremony will be on Feb. 23 or 28, depending upon President Haynes’ availability.