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The Cougar Chronicle

The independent student news site of San Marcos, California

The Cougar Chronicle

The independent student news site of San Marcos, California

The Cougar Chronicle


Good news for unsure grads: Switching majors may make sense

Good news for unsure grads: Switching majors may make sense

October 24, 2013
Changing majors in college can be traumatic, but it's the best time to change the course of your future.
Senior Experience student team

Senior Experience sparks creative project

October 11, 2013

By Tatiana Zavodny Staff Writer Seniors looking for hands-on business experience have the option to participate in the Senior Experience Program at CSUSM. This unique program pairs small groups of students with local businesses or non-profit organizations that have submitted proposals for projects...

man on skateboard

Students riding wave of success with Jelly Boards

October 11, 2013

Headline: Jelly Boards bring new dimension to skateboarding By Katlin Sweeney Word Count: 804 What began as a hobby in high school has become the foundation upon which Sven Anders-Alwerud is finding his footing in the business world. An avid skateboarder since the time he was 8 years old, Anders-Alwerud...

Josha Tree illustration by Alison Seagle

Government shutdown rains on campers’ plans

October 11, 2013

By Alison Seagle Staff Writer This past weekend, a dozen CSUSM Cougars were planning to trek to Joshua Tree with campus recreation for some hiking, camping and rock climbing until the government shutdown closed all of the national parks. Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 1, the government went into a shutdown,...

Martha Stoddard-Holmes

Cancer battle leads Stoddard-Holmes in new direction

October 11, 2013

By Amanda Lenox Staff Writer Professor Martha Stoddard-Holmes is a prominent figure in not only the Literature and Writing department, but also to the CSUSM campus as a whole. Her educational background includes a B.A. in English from Cornell University, an M.A. in Creative Writing from the University...

A cheese steak sandwich

East Coast flavor: Cheese steak fans rejoice

October 11, 2013

By Anne Hall Staff Writer If you’re looking for great comfort food with a Philly flare that is true to its origin, The Cheesesteak Grill is the place to be. Even though the traditional favorite comes with three types of cheese, health problems with cheese can be easily avoided; just ask to keep...


Digital Backpack: Super Note app makes class work easier

September 26, 2013
A cool app that students should throw into their digital backpack is called Super Note.
Students in the mountains

Campus Rec offers outdoor adventures year-round

September 26, 2013
Campus Recreation offers exciting adventure trips every month of the school year.
The Writing Center

Writing center offers new consultation option

September 26, 2013

By Tatiana Zavodny Features Editor Students looking for help revising academic papers have an amazing resource at the Writing Center on campus. Located in the library in Kellogg 1103, the Writing Center provides California State University San Marcos students a place to discuss and revise their...

professor Linda Pershing in her office

Fantasy, fiction inspire professor’s classes

September 26, 2013

By Amanda Lenox Staff Writer Professor Linda Pershing incorporates "Harry Potter," Disney characters and other literary and animated folklore in her classes at Cal State San Marcos. She talked about her work in a recent interview. Question: What is your educational background? A: B.A. in Religious...

Kamalayan Alliance CSUSM logo

Filipino student group expands cultural awareness

September 14, 2013

By Margery Uril Staff Writer Students that are interested in learning about a new culture, playing games, meeting new people and having fun should join Kamalayan Alliance. According to their website, (KA) spreads knowledge and awareness about Filipino and Filipino-American history and culture at CSUSM....

Clarke Field House

Fitness classes offer much more than exercise

September 14, 2013

By Tatiana Zavodny Features Editor Whether students want to lose those freshmen 15 or are just looking for a way to stay healthy this semester, fitness classes may be the perfect way to achieve their goals. The Clarke recently posted their updated schedule for their unique and exciting fitness classes...

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