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The independent student news site of San Marcos, California

The Cougar Chronicle

The independent student news site of San Marcos, California

The Cougar Chronicle

The independent student news site of San Marcos, California

The Cougar Chronicle


The various student centers in the USU are a valuable resource students should know about and utilize.

Learn about campus resources

Samantha Carrillo, Assistant Opinion Editor September 13, 2018

The start of the fall 2018 semester welcomed nearly 2,500 freshman and 2,000 transfer students to campus according to an article in the CSUSM Newscenter.   As a second year, I recently started getting used to the layout of CSUSM and fully appreciating the programs and support systems offered...

Annelisa Zamora, with family, enjoys her summer vacation at Vatican City, Italy on July 1,2018.

Annelisa Zamora, A&E Editor September 13, 2018

If there is one thing my summer vacation taught me, it is that I romanticized places more than I realized.   I was lucky enough to travel to Ireland and Italy this past summer and it was a bit of a reality check. The places I visited were undoubtedly beautiful and incredible to experience,...

On Aug. 13, 2014, young boys pose for the camera in the slums of Curundú, a subdivision of Panamá City, Panamá.

Perspective sheds light on perceptions of education

Sara Freitag, Opinion Editor April 30, 2018

Perspective. Smile-crinkled faces gleamed at twinkling eyes which were hidden by laughter-contorted cheeks. Agile bodies leapt through the street, as small children played tag and weaved their way in and out of dilapidated houses. Graffiti-painted walls and water-stained wood constituted home to the...

Why you should add laughing yoga to your list of things to try

Mikayla Mitchell, Staff Writer April 21, 2018

When I first saw the sign, conveniently located before my eyes, I knew I needed to inquire.   It read, “Laughing Yoga: Join Us and Add a Smile to Your a Day,” and I mean, who wouldn’t want to stop for that? I cautiously approached the woman sitting in her lawn chair and asked, “Is...

Is Technology Hijacking Our Self-Identity?

Is Technology Hijacking Our Self-Identity?

Jadan Smithers, Assistant News Editor April 21, 2018

In recent years the role of technology in our lives has grown to the extent that it plays a key role in our self-identity and the way we perceive reality. This is a development that is reinforced in society’s collective subconscious with every new Facebook account created, each Amazon Echo purchased,...

Metaphor for Whiteness

Kody Cowell, Assistant Opinion Editor April 21, 2018

Racial politics in Western society play around whether you’re “ethnic” or not. The issue with this is that everybody is ethnic.   There is no default race. There is no standard, no “normal.” It’s all relative.   The concept of “whiteness” exists because Western culture...

Editorial: Both Sides of the Gun Debate Are Right (And Both Are Wrong)

Jadan Smithers, Assistant News Editor April 21, 2018

The debate around our Second Amendment right is raging like wildfire since the tragic school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida. Unfortunately, the national conversation always seems to be framed on a binary scale; you’re either for or against guns.   It’s important...

Words have the ability to create and promote a world of peace.

Words, the beginning of either hate or peace

Sara Freitag, Opinion Editor April 21, 2018

To anyone who believes that individuals who advocate for language change are overly sensitive, liberal snowflakes, I would like to ask you a question. Do you believe there is veracity in the statement, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”? If you said yes, then...

In honor of National Puppy Day, dogs are better than humans

In honor of National Puppy Day, dogs are better than humans

Bradley Kremer, Opinion Writer April 3, 2018

Listen up, dog lovers, because you will most likely agree. If you are a cat person, still listen because it might apply to your furballs as well. In honor of National Puppy Day on Friday, March 23, I have compiled a short list as to why humans’ best friends are more likeable than most humans themselves. ...

Beware our friend, Alexa, and her effects on future generations

Beware our friend, Alexa, and her effects on future generations

Bradley Kremer, Opinion Writer April 3, 2018

We’ve all suspected at least one of our friends of being a robot, and with the advancements of technology today, it is now quite possible to have an A.I. (artificial intelligence) as a friend. In the article “Co-Parenting With Alexa,” written by Rachel Botsman, the author talks about issues...

It's never too late to join the marathon towards gender equity.

Part three of a series on feminism…one issue in a world of many

Sara Freitag, Opinion Editor April 3, 2018

Eyes drooping, coffee yet to kick in, you struggle to keep your head up as the steering wheel serves as a brace for your sleep-deprived body. News from Florida jolts your otherwise comatose being awake. Another school shooting. Day after day, we’re hit with tragedies, and so you may ask... Sara,...

Veganism should not demand an all-or-nothing mentality

Veganism should not demand an all-or-nothing mentality

Kody Cowell, Assistant Opinion Editor March 29, 2018

Veganism should not require complete abstinence from animal products. It is a movement with a goal to accomplish: eliminating violence against animals. This should not necessitate rearranging one’s entire life so that they are within the scope of “being vegan.” Veganism is primarily about...

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